The Correct Definition: Green Travel

Noun: green travel [green tra-vul] 1. Having fun while making the world a better place. 2. Adventures that money can’t buy. – also ecotravel, ecological travel

Green travel helps protect the nature. You travel to the Great Barrier Reef to experience the clean waters, colorful corals, and a myriad of different fishes. The locals make their living out of the reef and it is in their best interest to maintain the reef vivid and lively to keep travelers coming back and telling their friends about the amazing underwater sceneries.

The above example applies to a variety of places. An ecotraveler goes to places, where nature is not a resource but a value as such. In doing so, she enables the locals to make their living out of the environment in sustainable way. Another example: instead of killing whales for food and products, Iceland is now famous for its unique whale-watching trips. Protecting the endangered species is now encouraged by money: if the whales disappear, many people working in the tourism industry would lose their living. This is market economy working for the environment!

My advice: Have fun and go see the world! Your travel budget will help making the world a better place. It’s all about the attitude. Honestly, who still thinks it’s better to buy experiences with money while nature can provide adventures that money can’t buy?

Happy Earth Day everybody! :)

Green travel: adventures that money can't buy


  1. Thanks Ilkka! This post was actually inspired by your tweet about ecotravel in Finland (

    I didn’t want to settle with the most common definition for ecotravel that makes people think about technology (e.g. hybrid cars, hotel’s mattress materials) or rating systems (e.g. LEED). These are all nice and fine but…

    If travel can make people appreciate clean environment, the impact is much more prominant than any hotel’s “our doorknobs are made of recycled glass” gimmicks. :P

  2. Pingback: Eco Travel Arrives at TripSay : The Green Dove

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